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Differences between the 2020 Searchmetrics and the 2023/2024 Jademond Baidu Ranking Factors Studies

SEO practitioners working on SEO for Baidu often use tactics and principles based on their experience with SEO for Google peppered with opinions…
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PIPL China Q&A

FAQ: China’s PIPL (Personal Information Protection Law)

Disclaimer We are a Chinese digital marketing agency and frequently address questions related to PIPL compliance and implementation. However, we are not legal…
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PIPL - China's GDPR

PIPL (Personal Information Protection Law) – “China’s GDPR”

Disclaimer We are a Chinese digital marketing agency and frequently address questions related to PIPL compliance and implementation. However, we are not legal…
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Baidu Analytics (Tongji) vs. Google GA: China’s Preferred Choice

For SEO professionals, the use of analytics tools allows us to understand our site faster and more intuitively. Through detailed analysis reports, we…
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Baidu Ads: PPC – a good way to enter the Chinese market

The Importance of Baidu PPC Advertising in China Marketing: Baidu is China's largest search engine with a huge user base and market share.…
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the world's first AI co-authored SEO Tech Scifi Thriller

Premiere: SEO Tech Thriller (free PDF Download)

The Helix Protocol - Intrigue in the SEO Underworld An AI-Penned SEO Tech Thriller Authored by OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4, Supervised by Marcus Pentzek…
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Baidu Webmaster Tools Setup Step by Step

How to Set Up Your Webmaster Tools Step-By-Step in 2024

(First published October 2023, Last Updated: February 2024) Welcome to the world of Baidu, China’s leading search engine with over 550 million active…
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title tags optimization for Baidu SEO

Optimizing Page Titles for Baidu SEO

Creating the ideal page title for Chinese websites on Baidu requires a nuanced understanding of Baidu’s unique handling of title tag lengths and…
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ICP and China Hosting Myths

Myths and Truth about ICP License and Website Hosting in China

This morning, I engaged in a crucial discussion with a fellow online marketer from Guangzhou, who was confronting a storm of misleading advice…
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consumer rights and expectations in china

Navigating Compliance and Consumer Trust in China

In the Chinese market, brand reputation, and consumer expectations is not just a challenge—it's a necessity for success. The stakes are high, as…
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baidu webmaster tools search performance / search analysis

Baidu Search Performance Analysis

The "Traffic and Keywords" section of Baidu Webmaster Tools offers a window into this world, mirroring the Search Analysis feature in Google Search…
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baidu webmaster tools dashboard

Dashboard of the Baidu Webmaster Tools

As the gateway to optimizing your online presence in the world's largest internet market, the Baidu Webmaster Tools (Baidu Ziyuan) offer an indispensable…
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china seo experts - baidu seo experts

List of Baidu SEO Experts

Navigating Baidu's SEO terrain requires not just a keen understanding of SEO fundamentals but a deep dive into the nuances that distinguish Baidu…
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which tld for baidu seo

.COM or .CN Domain for Baidu SEO?

The debate between the efficacy of .CN versus .COM domains persists, fueled by myriad claims from self-proclaimed experts repeating the same narrative, that…
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Learning Baidu SEO for China Resources

Learning SEO for China / Baidu SEO

Diving into SEO for China, particularly SEO for Baidu, requires a unique approach due to its distinct internet landscape. This guide isn't a…
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chinese new year 2024 baidu doodle

Chinese New Year Doodles of Baidu & Co 2024

Chinese New Year Doodles 2024 As the Lunar New Year 2024 - the Year of the Dragon - unfolds, a fascinating divergence in…
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