What are the key differences between Baidu SEO and Google SEO?

When we talk about the giants of the search engine world, two names invariably dominate the conversation: Google and Baidu. It’s like comparing apples and oranges, really. On one hand, Google, with its sprawling, global reach (including claiming some shares of China’s search engine market), is a household name almost everywhere. On the other, Baidu reigns supreme in China, a market so distinct and vast that it’s almost a digital universe in its own right – they have both their very own Dos and Don’ts for SEO.

Now, there’s been some chatter lately about other players like Bing or Yandex making significant inroads in this space. But let’s set the record straight – these are more rumors than reality (see: https://www.jademond.com/magazine/search-engine-marketshare-china/#realmarketshare). The truth is, Google and Baidu continue to hold sway in their respective domains. This article isn’t just about who leads where; it’s about understanding the nuanced differences in how they operate, especially when it comes to SEO – a critical tool in the arsenal of any digital marketer or content creator today.

Let’s dive in and explore what makes these two search engines tick, how they differ fundamentally in their approach to SEO, and why anyone looking to make a mark online needs to grasp these distinctions. Whether you’re a seasoned SEO professional or just dipping your toes in the vast ocean of digital marketing and learning Baidu SEO, understanding the unique landscapes of Google and Baidu SEO is key to charting a successful course.

Let’s talk about Language and Geography


Baidu, often dubbed as the ‘Google of China’, shows a marked preference for Simplified Chinese. This isn’t just a matter of linguistic choice; it’s a strategic alignment with its core user base – the Mandarin-speaking population of Mainland China.

Baidu’s algorithms, user interface, and search optimizations are meticulously tailored to resonate with the nuances of this language and its cultural context. It’s not just about understanding words; it’s about grasping the pulse of a civilization that finds its expression in Simplified Chinese.

vs. Google

This approach stands in stark contrast to Google’s global embrace. Google isn’t just a search engine; it’s a global village square, a meeting point of languages and cultures. With support for a multitude of languages, Google caters to a richly diverse global audience, seamlessly bridging the gaps between different regions and dialects.

It’s adapting to the linguistic landscapes of numerous countries, accommodating not just the major languages like English, Spanish, or French, but also giving voice to lesser-spoken tongues. This linguistic diversity is deeply ingrained in Google’s DNA, shaping its algorithms and search results to meet the diverse needs of a global audience.

The difference between Baidu and Google in the aspect of multilingual content:

While Google crawls and indexes and ranks content in whatever language they can get their data tentacles on, Baidu does still crawl and index what ever they can reach, but they primarily rank Chinese content – even when the search query used is not Chinese. Then they tend to rank Chinese pages that “talk about” the searched for query – like English teaching websites.

But there is more:

While Google just looks out for Hreflang to understand connections between different languages’ content on the same website, Baidu might see content in other languages than Chinese as a negative ranking factor.

Just imagine the more non-Chinese pages there are on a Chinese website, the higher is the chance that users, that Baidu sends to this website, will “do a wrong click” and land on a non-Chinese page. That would be quite a bad user experience for such a visitor. Baidu wouldn’t want to risk that.

target benchmark for chinese content on a a page for Baidu SEO
The target Benchmark for Chinese Characters in the content of one page is 85%. The other characters can be numbers, alphabetical letters or punctuation. Source: Baidu SEO Ranking Factors Correlation Study 2023 / 2024

Or imagine a page does have not only Chinese content but also some English passages, that haven’t been translated yet. That as well would be a bad user experience.

The first difference to Google SEO: While multilingual websites often perform really well on Google, they might have their ranking difficulties on Baidu (it is not impossible – but the effort needed is higher).

Search Intent and Audience


Google, with its global footprint, caters to an incredibly broad spectrum of search intents.

It’s a melting pot of queries, ranging from the everyday – like local weather forecasts and news updates – to the more esoteric and niche interests. From academic research to the latest culinary trends, from health advice to deep dives into the annals of history, Google’s users bring a kaleidoscope of inquiries to its doorstep.

This diversity isn’t just geographic; it’s a reflection of the myriad interests and needs of a global populace, each turning to Google to find answers, solutions, and inspiration.

vs. Baidu

Contrast this with Baidu, where the search landscape is more focused, reflecting the specific behaviors and trends prevalent in China.

Here, a significant portion of B2C product searches bypass general search engines, directly heading to mammoth e-commerce platforms like Tmall and JD & Co. It’s a direct line of sight – consumers know where to go for their shopping needs, and these platforms have become almost synonymous with online retail in China.

Similarly, entertainment searches often route through popular social media platforms like WeChat Channels, Douyin (the original avatar of TikTok), and Little Red Book (Xiaohongshu).

These platforms aren’t just social networking sites; they’re cultural hubs, repositories of trends, hobbies, and lifestyle inspiration.

Yet, amidst this landscape, Baidu is witnessing growth, primarily in sectors like informational content and B2B queries. This is indicative of a burgeoning demand for in-depth, reliable information and professional interactions within the Chinese internet space.

Baidu’s growing prominence in these areas underscores its evolving role – not just as a gateway to products or entertainment, but as a critical resource for knowledge and business connectivity.

Understanding these patterns of search intent and audience behavior is crucial for anyone navigating the SEO world. It’s about recognizing where audiences are heading and why, about tuning into their frequencies – be it the global chorus on Google or the more targeted conversations on Baidu.

Similarities in SEO Approach for Baidu and Google

But there is also an underlying common ground that Baidu and Google share, a fundamental principle that guides their approach to ranking content. At the heart of it, both search engines have a steadfast commitment to high-quality content.

This isn’t about just packing in keywords or manipulating backlinks; it’s about delivering content that genuinely resonates with users, providing value, information, and engagement.

For both Baidu and Google, the core tenets of SEO best practices are remarkably similar. It’s about crafting content that captivates and informs. This means going beyond superficial treatment and diving deep into topics, offering readers insights and information they can’t easily find elsewhere. Whether it’s an in-depth article, a helpful guide, or an engaging blog post, the content needs to hold the reader’s attention and satisfy their quest for knowledge or solutions.

Another key aspect is the focus on text.

While images, videos, and other multimedia elements add value and appeal, the textual content is where the real substance lies. It’s about using words effectively – optimizing title tags and headlines to be both informative and enticing, ensuring they accurately reflect the content’s core message.

Speaking of diversity in content formats, both Baidu and Google appreciate variety. This includes well-organized tables, lists, and infographics that break down information into digestible chunks, making it easier for users to comprehend and retain information.

Then there’s the crucial role of backlinks, seen as endorsements in the digital world. Building authoritative backlinks is akin to gathering recommendations; it’s about earning trust and establishing credibility in the eyes of both the search engines.

But it’s not just about setting rules; it’s also about evolving them. Baidu and Google continually update their algorithms, a necessary measure to stay ahead of the curve.

These updates are targeted at combating the myriad of black hat SEO techniques, spammy practices, online frauds, low-quality content, and the murky world of illegal link purchasing. It’s a relentless effort to ensure that quality and authenticity don’t get drowned out by noise and manipulation.

In essence, while there are many differences in how Baidu and Google operate, their foundational SEO principles bear a striking resemblance. They are both custodians of content quality, striving to ensure that what rises to the top is not just seen but also deserved.

Page Speed – Important for Google and Baidu … but with a twist

In the digital age where speed is as valuable as information itself, the loading time of a website has become a critical factor in SEO for both Baidu and Google. The reason is simple: users have little patience for slow-loading pages. A website that loads quickly enhances user experience, a factor both these search engines prioritize highly. Speed is more than a convenience; it’s a fundamental aspect of website performance, affecting everything from user engagement to conversion rates.

However, when we shift our focus to Baidu, the conversation around page speed takes on a different dimension, largely due to the Great Chinese Firewall.

This state-run internet filter represents a unique challenge, particularly for foreign-hosted websites. As the Firewall scans content coming into China for anything deemed inappropriate or sensitive, it inadvertently slows down the loading time of these websites. This delay can be detrimental to the site’s performance on Baidu, as slower loading times can lead to lower rankings.

To navigate this challenge, many businesses targeting the Chinese market opt to host their websites within Mainland China. This approach significantly improves loading times for local users, aligning with Baidu’s emphasis on speed.

However, hosting a website in China isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. It comes with its own set of requirements, the most notable being obtaining an Internet Content Provider (ICP) license.

This situation creates a unique landscape for SEO in China. While globally, website developers and SEO professionals focus on optimizing elements like image sizes, server response times, and efficient coding to improve speed, in China, the equation also includes navigating regulatory requirements.

The end goal remains the same – a fast-loading, smooth-running website – but the path to achieving it varies significantly depending on whether you’re optimizing for Google or Baidu.

“Real Estate” in Google’s and Baidu’s SERPs

In the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), “real estate” (the rankings you can gain) is precious, and Baidu’s approach to allocating this space highlights a unique aspect of its SEO landscape.

A significant portion of Baidu’s SERP is occupied by its own services – platforms like Baike, Baidu’s encyclopedia; Wenki, its document sharing service; Baijiahao, a content platform; and Zhidao, a question-and-answer forum. This strategy isn’t just about providing diverse content options; it significantly shapes the SEO game in China.

baidu owns 60% of all 1st positions

Baidu owns 60% of all Position1 rankings – that’s 20% more than three years ago.
Source: Baidu SEO Ranking Factors Correlation Study 2023 / 2024

For websites, especially smaller or less established ones, this presents a unique challenge. With much of the prime SERP real estate taken up by Baidu’s own services, the available space for external sites to appear prominently in search results is markedly reduced.

This scenario necessitates a different SEO strategy for those looking to optimize for Baidu as compared to Google, where the SERP landscape is not as heavily dominated by the search engine’s own products.

  1. One effective strategy in this environment is focusing on long-tail keywords. These are more specific, often less competitive search terms that can provide a niche for smaller sites to gain visibility.

    Long-tail SEO involves understanding and targeting the more detailed, often question-based queries that users are likely to type in when looking for very specific information or services.

    While these might have lower search volumes compared to more generic terms, they tend to have higher conversion rates and are less dominated by Baidu’s services.
  2. Another approach is leveraging Baidu’s User-Generated Content (UGC) services and other popular UGC platforms in China, such as Zhihu (a Q&A platform similar to Quora), Bilibili (a video-sharing platform), Yiqiyi (a video streaming service), and Weibo (a microblogging site).

    By creating and placing content on these platforms, businesses and content creators can tap into the established authority and high traffic of these sites.

    This is not just about piggybacking on their popularity; it’s about integrating one’s content into the platforms where Chinese internet users are already actively searching and engaging.

Understanding and adapting to these specific aspects of Baidu’s SERP allocation and user behavior is crucial for SEO success in China. It’s about finding opportunities within a unique digital ecosystem, where Baidu’s dominance in its home market significantly influences how SEO strategies are formulated and implemented.

Social Media Affecting SEO on Google and Baidu

While direct social signals are not officially recognized as ranking factors by Baidu and Google, the influence of social media on SEO cannot be overlooked. In the digital landscape, social media platforms play a pivotal role in shaping brand visibility and audience engagement.

For both Baidu and Google, mentions of a brand or links from social media platforms contribute indirectly to a website’s SEO performance. These interactions can amplify the reach of content, enhance brand recognition, and sometimes drive traffic, which can indirectly signal the relevance and authority of a website to search engines.

Technical SEO

For both Baidu and Google, the ease with which their crawlers can access and interpret website content is a key factor in how well that site ranks. This is where the significance of well-coded, easily crawlable websites becomes apparent.

A well-structured website, with clean and efficient code, ensures that search engine crawlers can effortlessly navigate and index its content. This involves organizing content logically, using clear and descriptive URLs, and ensuring that essential information isn’t buried within complex coding structures.

Both Baidu and Google value websites that present content in a straightforward, accessible manner, as this directly affects the accuracy and efficiency of their indexing processes.

However, a notable point of distinction arises when we consider Baidu’s handling of JavaScript. Compared to Google, which has made significant strides in crawling and indexing JavaScript content, Baidu’s crawlers have limitations in processing JavaScript-heavy sites.

The best practice here leans towards using server-rendered websites, which present content in HTML format that Baidu can easily process. This ensures that key content is accessible to Baidu’s crawlers, thereby improving the site’s visibility in its search results.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a website that is not just user-friendly but also search engine-friendly, catering to the technical nuances of both Baidu and Google.

Staying Up-To-Date with Data-based Analysis

Studies such as the 2024 Baidu SEO Ranking Factors by Jademond and the 2024 Google Ranking Factors Study by Semrush offer critical insights into what drives search engine rankings in these two dominant platforms.

Baidu SEO Ranking Factors Study for 2024

The 2024 Baidu SEO Ranking Factors study by Jademond delves deep into the specifics of what makes content rank well on Baidu. This study is more than just an academic exercise; it’s a roadmap for businesses and content creators looking to optimize their online presence in the Chinese market.

Google SEO Ranking Factors Study for 2024

Similarly, the 2024 Google Ranking Factors Study by Semrush offers an in-depth look at what influences rankings on Google’s search engine. Given Google’s global reach and the diversity of its user base, this study is a valuable resource for marketers and SEO professionals worldwide.

Both these studies underscore the importance of basing SEO strategies on solid, empirical data rather than speculation or outdated practices. As search engines continue to refine their algorithms, these studies provide a much-needed anchor point for developing effective, up-to-date SEO tactics.

Let’s wrap up the Similarities and Differences of Baidu and Google SEO

Our exploration into the SEO practices for Baidu and Google reveals a landscape marked by both striking differences and notable similarities. While both search engines share a common goal of providing users with relevant, high-quality content, the paths they take and the strategies they require are distinct.

Baidu, deeply rooted in the linguistic and cultural nuances of China, shows a preference for Simplified Chinese content and a distinct approach to its SERP real estate, heavily featuring its own services. This demands a tailored SEO strategy, one that emphasizes long-tail keywords and leverages popular Chinese platforms. The challenges posed by the Great Chinese Firewall and the need for an ICP license for local hosting further underscore the unique considerations for Baidu SEO.

Google, on the other hand, spans a global audience with its multi-lingual capabilities, offering a more diversified search landscape. Its advanced technology in crawling and indexing allows for a broader range of content formats and a different set of optimizations, particularly for websites with heavy JavaScript and multimedia content.

Despite these differences, the underlying principles of creating engaging, informative content, focusing on user experience, and building authoritative backlinks resonate across both platforms. The continual updates to their algorithms also highlight a shared commitment to combating spam and low-quality content, ensuring the integrity of search results.

Do you need help with your Baidu SEO approach? Let’s have a chat!

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Kun Tang, Founder and CEO

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