List of TLDs / Top-Level-Domains in China

In the vast expanse of the internet, each country puts its own unique stamp on web addresses with what we call Top-Level Domains (TLDs). You’ve probably seen Germany’s .de or Great Britain’s, and even in the USA, we’ve got .us (although most folks there prefer the familiar .com).

Now, let’s shift our digital compass to China. In this dynamic digital landscape, things get intriguing. China, being a tech giant in its own right, proudly sports its TLDs – the well-known .cn and

But if you dive deeper into the web pages served up by Baidu, China’s go-to search engine, you’ll stumble upon a plethora of other TLDs. Some of these are like hidden gems, rarely used or mentioned in Baidu’s rankings.

This article (or rather a list) is your ticket to explore the fascinating world of TLDs you’ll encounter in Chinese Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and within China’s digital borders.

Get ready for an in-depth list to the lesser-known territory of Chinese Top-Level Domains.

(Generic / non-Chinese) TLDs Found in Baidu SERPs Type


  • Generic TLD
  • 72.66% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .com domains


  • Generic TLD
  • 3.67% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .net domains


  • Generic TLD
  • 1.54% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .org domains


  • Pseudo-Generic TLD, originally for Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an Australian territory, not used for a specific topic
  • 0.46% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .cc domains


  • Pseudo-Generic TLD, originally a ccTLD for Tuvalu, but often used for TV related topics
  • 0.11% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .tv domains


  • Pseudo-Generic TLD, originally a ccTLD for Laos, not used for specific topics
  • 0.08% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .la domains


  • Generic TLD for informational websites
  • 0.04% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .info domains


  • Generic TLD for informational websites
  • 0.02% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .biz domains


  • Generic TLD for professional websites
  • 0.02% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .pro domains


  • Generic TLD for company websites
  • 0.01% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .co domains

  • Country-Code TLD for British (UK) websites
  • 0.01% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on domains


  • Pseudo-Generic TLD for personal (me) websites, originally meant as a ccTLD for Montenegro
  • 0.01% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .me domains


  • Generic TLD for businesses who want to promote themselves as a top choice
  • 0.01% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .top domains

Chinese TLDs in latin Characters in > 0.01% of Baidu’s Top Rankings


  • ccTLD for China
  • 14.03% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .cn domains
  • The percentage has been drastically growing since 2020

  • ccTLD for China
  • 6.53% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on domains

  • ccTLD for China for organizations
  • 0.29% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on domains

  • ccTLD for organizations or companies engaged in Internet-related network services in China
  • 0.16% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on domains

  • ccTLD for scientific research organizations in China
  • 0.15% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on domains


  • ccTLD for the Greater China region Taiwan
  • 0.03% of all rankings in Baidu’s Top 20 are on .tw domains

Chinese TLDs (Mainland & Greater China) in latin Characters with 0.01% of Baidu’s Top Rankings each

  •, China – HongKong
  •, China – Taiwan
  •, China – Hong Kong governmental websites
  • .hk, China – Hong Kong
  •, China – Shanghai
  • .wang, Chinese Generic TLD stands for “net”

Chinese TLDs (Mainland & Greater China) in latin Characters with 0.001% of Baidu’s Top Rankings each

  •, China – Anhui
  •, China – Beijing
  •, China – Chongqing
  •, China – Fujian
  •, China – Guangdong
  •, China – Gansu
  •, China – Guangxi
  •, China – Guangzhou
  •, China – Hainan
  •, China – Hebei
  •, China – Henan
  •, China – Hubei
  •, China – HongKong)
  •, China – Heilongjiang
  •, China – Hunan
  •, China – Jilin
  •, China – Jiangsu
  •, China – Jiangxi
  •, China – Liaoning
  •, China – Macau
  •, China – Neimenggu
  •, China – Ningxia
  •, China – Qinghai
  •, China – Sichuan
  •, China – Shandong
  •, China – Shanxi / 陕西
  •, China – Shanxi / 山西
  •, China – Tianjin
  •, China – Taiwan
  •, China – Xinjiang
  •, China – Xizang
  •, China – Yunnan
  •, China – Zhejiang

ccTLDs in Simplified Chinese Characters – ccTLDs with 0.001% of Baidu’s Top Rankings each

  • .中国, ccTLD for China (in Pinyin: zhōngguó)
  • .新加坡, ccTLD for: Singapore (in Pinyin: xīnjiāpō)
  • .香港, ccTLD for China – Hong Kong (in Pinyin: xiānggǎng)
  • .公司.hk, ccTLD for China – Hong Kong companies (in Pinyin: gōngsī.hk)
  • .公司.香港, ccTLD for China – Hong Kong companies (in Pinyin: gōngsī.xiānggǎng)
  • .台湾, ccTLD for China – Taiwan (in Pinyin: táiwān)
  • .政府.香港, ccTLD for China – Hong Kong Government (in Pinyin: zhèngfǔ.xiānggǎng)
  • .教育.香港, ccTLD for China – Hong Kong Education. Hong Kong (in Pinyin: jiàoyù.xiānggǎng)
  • .佛山, ccTLD for China – Foshan (in Pinyin: fúshān)
  • .广东, ccTLD for China – Guangdong (in Pinyin: guǎngdōng)

gTLDs in Simplified Chinese Characters with 0.001% of Baidu’s Top Rankings each

  • .世界, world (in Pinyin: shìjiè)
  • .中信, Chinese language (in Pinyin: zhōngxìn)
  • .中文网, Chinese language web (in Pinyin: zhōngwén wǎng)
  • .企业, Enterprise (in Pinyin: qǐyè)
  • .信息, Information (in Pinyin: xìnxī)
  • .健康, Health (in Pinyin: jiànkāng)
  • .八卦, Eight Trigrams / Gossip (in Pinyin: bāguà)
  • .公司, Companies (in Pinyin: gōngsī)
  • .公益, Public welfare (in Pinyin: gōngyì)
  • .商城, Shopping Mall (in Pinyin: shāngchéng)
  • .商店, Store (in Pinyin: shāngdiàn)
  • .商标, Trademark (in Pinyin: shāngbiāo)
  • .在线, Online (in Pinyin: zàixiàn)
  • .天主教, Catholicism (in Pinyin: tiānzhǔjiào)
  • .娱乐, Entertainment (in Pinyin: yúlè)
  • .慈善, Charity (in Pinyin: císhàn)
  • .我爱你, I love you (in Pinyin: wǒ ài nǐ)
  • .手机, Mobile (in Pinyin: shǒujī)
  • .招聘, Recruitment (in Pinyin: zhāopìn)
  • .新闻, News (in Pinyin: xīnwén)
  • .时尚, Fashion (in Pinyin: shíshàng)
  • .机构, Institution (in Pinyin: jīgòu)
  • .游戏, Games (in Pinyin: yóuxì)
  • .点看, Click to see (in Pinyin: diǎn kàn)
  • .移动, Move (in Pinyin: yídòng)
  • .组织机构, Organizational structure (in Pinyin: zǔzhī jīgòu)
  • .网址, Website (in Pinyin: wǎngzhǐ)
  • .网店, Online store (in Pinyin: wǎng diàn)
  • .网站, Website (in Pinyin: wǎngzhàn)
  • .网络, Network (in Pinyin: wǎngluò)
  • .购物, Shopping (in Pinyin: gòuwù)
  • .集团, Group (in Pinyin: jítuán)
  • .食品, Food (in Pinyin: shípǐn)
  • .餐厅, Restaurant (in Pinyin: cāntīng)
  • .政务, Government affairs (in Pinyin: zhèngwù)
  • .政府, Government (in Pinyin: zhèngfǔ)

Branded TLDs in Simplified Chinese Characters with 0.001% of Baidu’s Top Rankings each

  • .亚马逊, Amazon (in Pinyin: yàmǎxùn)
  • .香格里拉, Shangri La (in Pinyin: xiānggélǐlā)
  • .飞利浦, Philips (in Pinyin: fēilìpǔ)
  • .淡马锡, Temasek (in Pinyin: dànmǎxī)
  • .嘉里, Kerry (in Pinyin: jiā lǐ)
  • .嘉里大酒店, Kerry Hotel (in Pinyin: jiā lǐ dà jiǔdiàn)
  • .大拿, Da Na (in Pinyin: dà ná)
  • .联通, Unicom (in Pinyin: liántōng)
  • .谷歌, Google (in Pinyin: gǔgē)
  • 微博, Weibo (in Pinyin: wēi bó)

TLDs in Traditional Chinese Characters with 0.001% of Baidu’s Top Rankings each

  • .中國, ccTLD for China (in Pinyin: zhōngguó)
  • .台灣, ccTLD for China – Taiwan (in Pinyin: táiwān)
  • .澳門, ccTLD for China – Macau (in Pinyin: àomén)
  • .個人.香港, for individuals in Hong Kong (in Pinyin: gèrén.xiānggǎng)
  • .家電, for electrical household appliances (in Pinyin: jiādiàn)
  • .書籍, for books (in Pinyin: shūjí)
  • .組織.香港, for organizations in Hong Kong (in Pinyin: zǔzhī.xiānggǎng)
  • .網絡.香港, for network companies in Hong Kong (in Pinyin: wǎngluò.xiānggǎng)
  • .通販, means trafficking (in Pinyin: tōng fàn)
  • .電訊盈科, branded: PCCW (in Pinyin: diànxùn yíngkē)

The lists provided here are not comprehensive but include only those Top-Level Domains (TLDs) that were identified within the Top 20 rankings on Baidu during our extensive Baidu SEO Ranking Factors Correlation Study.

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