Author Archives: Kun

Differences between the 2020 Searchmetrics and the 2023/2024 Jademond Baidu Ranking Factors Studies

SEO practitioners working on SEO for Baidu often use tactics and principles based on their experience with SEO for Google peppered with opinions…
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PIPL China Q&A

FAQ: China’s PIPL (Personal Information Protection Law)

Disclaimer We are a Chinese digital marketing agency and frequently address questions related to PIPL compliance and implementation. However, we are not legal…
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PIPL - China's GDPR

PIPL (Personal Information Protection Law) – “China’s GDPR”

Disclaimer We are a Chinese digital marketing agency and frequently address questions related to PIPL compliance and implementation. However, we are not legal…
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SEO for China / Baidu Book

Baidu SEO Book 2022

It's done - the new book is published. We've been planning and rescheduling, writing and rewriting for some time. And it's wonderful to…
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Taobao and TMALL Store Analytics 101: Learn how to Get Insights and Improve your Sales

The official data analytics tool is fundamental for any business looking for online customers, once it permits the brand to improve its storefront…
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