Author Archives: Kun

101 on Little Red Book the cross-border eCommerce App in China

Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book, RED) is an app that provides overseas shopping tips and allows its users to share experiences from their trips…
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Wechat Is Becoming A Giant With New Search Revamp

On April 15, Wechat revamped its search function in the latest release on iOS platform, making one more push to become a search…
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Zhihu Marketing from Jademond

Chinese Content Marketing On Zhihu? You Need To Get “Serious”

Zhihu, the Chinese version of Quora, is a popular online Q & A and social platform in China. By Sep. 2017, there have…
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Coupons (红包)- small promotional instrument for making your Taobao shop big.

How to use promotional instruments for increasing new shop’s credibility and shop’s rank? When you open a brand-new Taobao shop, you might face…
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