Local Seach Optimization Services

SEO for Germany

The German market are one of the most challenging but also one of the most interesting markets for doing SEO. The German SEO community is extremely well organized and educated. German SEOs are quite technical and strategically good. So if you want to compete on the German SEO market, you need to be likewise good.

Google is the most commonly used search engine in Germany. Some niche search engines like the ecological search engine Ecosia, which plants trees for every X searches performed on this search engine, is winning more and more users. Ecosia is powered by Bing search. But Google's market share is still around 90%. So focusing on Google SEO and not forgetting about Bing (and this way Ecosia) will be essential.

We support your German SEO strategy with:

    • Native German SEO Specialists
    • Localized Keyword Research
    • Creating Optimized Content
    • Link Outreach
    • Analysis & Reporting in English (or Chinese, if you prefer)

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