Baidu PPC Agency

SEA for China
Advertising on Baidu is an effective and instant Online Marketing strategy for China. But setup and management of the Baidu PPC services can be tricky and easily turn into waste of money, if you are not experienced and in lack of native language speakers.

Your Baidu SEA / Advertising Agency for Mainland China

PPC Advertising services Baidu offer a wide span of different PPC ads. The classical Baidu Search Ads (SEA) are the most commonly known, but also Display Ads and Banner Ads among different other websites (Baidu display network). We an experienced Baidu Paid Advertising Agency and will help you manage them.

Kun Tang, founder, and CEO of Jademond Digital for Online Marketing in APAC and especially in China
Founder and CEO
Kun is an Internet Marketing Veteran, with more than 10 years experience across Baidu Search, Social Media Marketing and E-commerce…
Qing He, experienced SEO and PPC specialist for International and Chinese Search Engine Marketing
Head of Search (SEA & SEO)
Qing is the Head of Search at Jademond Digital. He oversees all Baidu SEO, Google SEO and Search-Ads strategies for all…
Marcus Pentzek, International and China SEO Expert
Partner & Director SEO
Ex-Searchmetrics Chief SEO Consultant, +15 years of SEO experience (+10 years in Baidu SEO), strategical Digital Marketing thinker and alsways…
China SEO Specialist
Shulan is an experienced Baidu SEO Specialist, working on Chinese Keyword Researches, China Website Audits, Onpage-Optimization, creating content for Baidu's…

Baidu SEM & PPC Management

Among the SEM (Search Engine Marketing) services we offer, is SEA (Search Engine Advertising) a part of our offering.

Our agency is built for results, conversion tracking, optimizing ROI / ROAS and lowering CPA. When conducting Baidu PPC, we will formulate the most suitable marketing strategy for customers according to their target groups and the maximum display effect.

Ad types will cover Baidu Ads, Display Ads, Brand Search Ads, Keyword Ads, Blog ads and Shopping ads.

The fees are 100% transparent, you always know exactly how much is going towards Baidu advertising. Also you will know the KPIs of your campaign driven by data in the form of regular reports.

China Digital Marketing Agency

While we do offer managing Baidu PPC campaigns, it often makes sense to not utilize only one marketing channel. Lucky for you, we offer further servces as well:

  • Baidu Account Setup
  • Baidu, Sogou, Qihoo SEO
  • Chinese Content Marketing
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Working with KOLs
  • Working with Micro-KOLs
  • Ecommerce Platform Management
  • Ecommerce Platform Ads

Our process for new Baidu Advertising clients

  • 01
    In-depth Company Audit

    Is your company allowed to advertise in China? Are your product allowed to be advertised on Baidu? Is there an audience for your products or services? Before starting with costly further steps, these questions need to be solved. Do you have an ICP-License? (no worries - we can help either way. - but things need to be handled differently without an ICP license - get in contact with us)

  • 02
    Baidu Business Account Application & Setup

    The Baidu platform exists exclusively in Chinese, so as native speakers, we will create your account on your behalf. When you work with us, you retain full ownership of your advertising account.

  • 03
    Complete Deposits & Payments

    The Baidu Advertising account must not only be paid annually in (review costs), but a minimum amount must also be deposited as credit. Unlike Google, Baidu Advertising works according to the credit principle. As long as the account has credit, ads can be placed.

  • 04
    Competitor Research & creating the Campaign Strategy

    After a detailed analysis of the competition, we decide together with you which advertising strategy will generate the best possible amount of leads at an ideal ROI, while keeping costs low compared to your competitors.

  • 05
    Keyword Research

    After in-depth discussions with you as an industry expert and input from your keyword ideas, our team of Chinese marketing experts will begin brainstorming and then endeavoring specialized tools both directly from Baidu, as well as AI assisted tools for more effective campaign planning.

  • 06
    Ad creation

    In addition to using the right targeting keywords, effective ad copy is important. The ad text attracts exactly the right visitors, while users who have a different search intention and would therefore not convert would not feel addressed by the ad.

  • 07
    Desktop And Mobile Landing Page Design

    Often ads do not work despite many clicks because the target pages are not conversion optimized. As few distractions as possible, all important but not too much confusing information and easy ways to fill out the form or complete the purchase. We help you by assessing and if necessary redesigning the ads landing pages, to make sure the call-to-actions are where they need to be.

  • 08
    Baidu PPC Advertising Management

    Our advertising specialists, with experience and supported by Baidu-AI and Jademond's own machine learning based management tools, manage your ads, optimizing for click-through, targeting on the right channels, in the right time windows, and limited to specific geographic regions when appropriate or multi-local ads, different formats like search ads (comparable to Adwords), in-feed ads and many more at CPC (cost-per-click) that allows a good ROI.

  • 09
    Transparent Reporting

    Of course, our customers can look forward to monthly transparent reports on the success and spend of individual ad campaigns and agree to the plans for the coming months (or reject them if I change the business goals at short notice).

What our Baidu PPC clients say:

  • Leica Microsystems website
    Leica Microsystems Baidu PPC client
    “Our company’s Baidu PPC Leads's quantity and quality have been improved dramatically after just a few months of working with this agency. The service we’ve received from their team has consistently been above and beyond our expectations.”
  • Xrite website
    Xrite Baidu PPC client
    “We’ve looked at a lot of PPC solutions but these guys were always the clear favorite. They have the right strategy and they’ve been awesome to work with.”
  • videojet website
    Videojet Baidu PPC client
    “This hard-working PPC team provides a consistent stream of fresh leads while equipping us with what we need to turn those into loyal customers.”


  • What are the advantages of using Baidu?
    First, it is the largest search engine for Chinese users, accounting for more than 70% of the market share; second, it not only has a search engine, but also has an ecosystem with mobile APP, Q&A platform Zhidao, document sharing Wenku, Wikipedia Baike, Haokan video, map, social media Baijiahao, web analytics Tongji, landing page builder Jimuyu, customer service tool Aifanfan, providing one-stop marketing tools for marketers.
  • What is Baidu SEM?
    SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing and describes every Marketing activity that is in relation to Baidu Search, which usually means SEA and SEO.
  • What is the difference between Baidu SEA (PPC) and SEO?
    SEO is for getting traffic from Baidu organic listing; while Baidu SEM is for getting traffic from advertising.
  • What is Baidu PPC?
    Baidu PPC refers to the Baidu search advertising that when people search on Baidu on desktop or mobile with certain keywords, keywords contextual ads will appear on the first 3 to 8 listings depending on the keywords popularity on the Baidu SERP.
  • Can I book display ads in Baidu?
    Yes, Baidu display ads are usually called infofeed ads, which appear on the right side of Baidu SERP, Baidu mobile app, Baidu's non-search products such as Baike, Zhidao, Wenku, Jingyan, etc.
  • What is the difference between Baidu Ads, Baidu PPC and Baidu SEA?
    PPC stands for Pay per Click, SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising, both stand for Ads. All three stand for payed listings within Baidu search results.
  • What are the biggest advantages of Baidu's pay-per-click?
    Baidu PPC ads are triggered by keywords, if it is price and where to buy related, which shows the strong intention of purchase, it is very likely that you can attract customers immediately. Second, display ads can work with PPC to retarget people who have shown initial interest with a fine-tuned message to convert them. Third, in addition to CPC and CPM, it offers oCPM mode, which allows advertisers to pay for a call, online chat, or form submission rather than a click or a thousand views.
  • I heard there is a Google office in Beijing. Can I use Google Ads in China?
    No, Google search engine and Google display network are (largely) not available to advertise in China. The Google services provided in China target other countries and help Chinese businesses being found for example in Europe.
  • Is Baidu PPC similar to Google Ads?
    It is similar to Google Ads, but there are also differences, e.g. you need to provide many documents to prove that you are a reputable company, you need to pay the media budget in advance, there are 5 keyword match types that allow you to refine the targeting,
  • Why should brands invest in Baidu PPC?
    Brands can get instant targeted visitors, brand awareness and customers. For brands that have already successfully run Google ads, cloning the campaign to Baidu is not that difficult, although localized keyword research and campaign setup is required.
  • How many people will see my ads on Baidu?
    Baidu claims to have more than 600 million active users by August 2021. When you run search or display ads, they may only be seen by a fraction of those 600 million users, depending on the search volume of the keywords you're targeting.
  • Should I choose Baidu PPC or Baidu SEO?
    It should not be a either or question. For both you need your website to be ready and optimized for the visitors. From Marketing perspective PPC / SEA and SEO complement each other.
  • Does Baidu Ads work like Google Ads?
    Baidu Ads and Google Ads are similar in the way they work, but Baidu is considered not as advanced. Often the highest bidder will get the Ads placement.
  • Is Baidu SEA a good investment?
    Yes, definitely it is. But it needs to be well managed, to make sure only those Ads will be payed for that are worth it - at the right time.
  • Our company is small and we have a limited marketing budget. Can Baidu PPC help us?
    Yes, even if there is a minimum initial media investment of RMB 10,000, you can run it for 12 months; secondly, you can always check the search volume of keywords in your niche before jumping on the bandwagon.
  • How much do I need to spend to use Baidu's pay-per-click (ppc)?
    You can start with 10,000 RMB per year and spend up to 10 million RMB.
  • Does Baidu provide clear costing?
    Yes, the Phoenix Ads backend provides clear costing for each keyword, ad group, and campaign, allowing marketers to easily manage and control spend. You can set a daily budget limit for campaigns and offer keywords with a higher or lower ratio for specific locations and times.
  • We need a marketing method that allows us to reach as many of our target customers as possible. Can Baidu PPC do this?
    Yes, Baidu PPC can accurately target people with strong intentions by bidding on keywords with exact match or phrase match, and target people nationwide and even worldwide. In addition, you can also import the Baidu ID or cell phone number of already converted customers into Baidu PPC, which can target 10 to 50 times more people with similar characteristics in terms of geolocation, demographics, behavior, and so on.
  • How can businesses monitor the performance of Baidu PPC ads?
    Enterprises can use Baidu Phoenix Ads backend to monitor key metrics such as spend, impressions, clicks, CTR, CPC. To get conversion data, you can also use Baidu analytics Tongji or Google Analytics with UTM code added to PPC landing page URLs.
  • Our company has a very specific product and serves only a niche customer base. Can Baidu PPC help us with marketing?
    It might be a problem if keywords in your niche have low search volume on Baidu, but with Phrase Match and Broad Match you can identify potential keywords, and with Audience Targeting you can reach customers without knowing what they are searching for in your niche.
  • Can Baidu PPC help our company sell only to customers in a specific region?
    Yes, Baidu PPC ads enable geotargeting at the province and city level. Baidu display ads even enable geotargeting at the street level.
  • How does Baidu PPC enable its customers to advertise only to clearly defined prospects?
    Baidu's customer service tool, Aifanfan (Chinese interface only), offers online chats and phone calls in addition to form submissions. Each of the incoming leads can be classified as hot, cold or medium by the customer service team based on the message received and conversion.
  • Is Baidu PPC effective in combination with SEO?
    Yes, while Baidu SEO is not influenced by Baidu PPC, they do complement each other as a marketing strategy.
  • Can I start using Baidu ads for my English website?
    The Chinese audience expects to visit a Chinese website after clicking on an advertisement on Baidu. You should have a Chinese website before you start advertising with Baidu.
  • Do I need to localize?
    Yes, you need to localize. The Chinese audience is not European and not American. They might pay attention to other aspects of your products, they might need different information - they even might need different products. You definitly need to localize - not only translate your content.
  • Can companies create Baidu PPC ads in English?
    Yes, but we don't recommend it because most Chinese people search English terms to understand their meaning instead of searching for the product or service in English. To advertise products or services, you should use Mandarin Chinese as the copy language.
  • Does Baidu ppc bring a company potential customers or brand exposure?
    It brings both. In addition to lead generation, Baidu also offers Brandzone and its video channel, which give users an immersive experience with brands.
  • How do I apply for a baidu PPC account?
    Unincorporated Chinese businesses can apply with their local business registration and local bank statement.
  • Does my website need to be hosted in Mainland China to target it with ads?
    No, that is not necessary. Websites hosted outside of China can be visited by Chinese users, it might just be that they do not load as fast, as they could.
  • Do I need an ICP-License to run Ads in China?
    Running Baidu ads in China without an ICP-License needs a different kind of Baidu account setup. We do have the experience to help with this situation. Send us a message for a free consultation call.
  • Should brands hire a Baidu PPC agency to manage their advertising on the platform?
    Yes, because a local agency can overcome the language and culture barrier, not to mention their experience in using Baidu PPC tools such as Aifanan customer service to improve conversion, data analytics via Baidu Analytics Tongji, creating local PPC landing pages with Jimuyu that are more user-friendly for Chinese visitors, but also the small PPC tactics in using rich snippet in ad format, ad copy templates via wildcard, etc.

Good Reasons to choose Baidu PPC Management by Jademond / Jadegital

  • We are represented locally in China
    Our offices are in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hongkong. We have short ways to meet your local Chinese teams and plan the PPC strategy together with you. On top of that, we know the Chinese audience (in fact we are the Chinese audience) and what it needs to attract clients in China
  • +15 years of PPC experience
    We offer PPC services since more than 10 years, with PPC management staff setting up and optimizing campaigns already more than 15 years. Our team has managed more than 420 PPC Management projects. We know what used to work, works well now and we watch closely how PPC in China develops.
  • Bilingual and international team
    All our account managers are bilingual Chinese and English. Our team can offer you so excellent 1:1 support and bilingual weekly or monthly reports, so that you are always informed about your spend, campaign setup and advertising performance.
  • Conversion-focused attitude
    Sometimes it makes sense to just get wide range visibility for your brand. But even more important is direct effect - conversions - sales. We have good experience which keywords to target, how the ads copy needs to be written and how the landing page needs to be designed, in order to generate the most conversions for reasonable price.
  • 32%
    Increase in online transactions
  • 56%
    Revenue increase
  • 148%
    Increase in organic traffic
  • 46%
    Increase in mobile traffic
  • "A successful Baidu Search Strategy (SEO & SEA) is based on high quality content and the front/backend optimization of your online store/Website. Digital Authority is built by organically indexing the right keywords to your Brand and have your products as a reference in East Asian platforms."

    Qing He, Head of Search, Jadegital

  • Qing He, Head of China SEO and SEA

Detailed business assessment

Due to Baidu's strict policies, not all products are approved for paid advertising. To avoid rejection after the lengthy process of setting up a business account, we conduct a thorough business review before proposing the best digital marketing solution in China.

Create a business account on Baidu

Baidu is used by Chinese companies, but unfortunately the platform is only available in Chinese and requires complex documentation, but Jademond handles this without any problems!

Baidu SEA and Artificial Intelligence

Baidu's artificial intelligence and precise targeting features allow the Jademond team to optimize your SEA campaigns and create ad copy with the best local context in mind.

Baidu's single point of contact for display ads

Advertising on Baidu connects your brand to 600,000 websites through an extensive display advertising network. Jademond's team of display advertising experts in China will help your brand penetrate the market by creating compelling visuals for the Chinese market.

Baidu Business Overview

Extensive account tracking allows you to react quickly and stand out from competitors. Jademond's team of experts regularly creates visual and intuitive reports that showcase your campaign results and Baidu performance.

Transparent reporting

Our customers receive monthly reports on the ads spent, the ads copies that performed well, results of the different keywords that performed well (for search ads), successful channels, refined ads, decisions made during the month and the results. In short: the success of your Baidu campaigns.

We can do both: strategic thinking and pragmatic action

Strategic thinking is the basis of every successful Online Marketing Strategy. But sometimes it is necessary to act quick and without many rounds of confirmation - adapting to the situation. We are capable of doing both - of course within the boundaries our clients and we agree on.

A Promise from Kun Tang, Founder and CEO of Jademond / Jadegital

Kun Tang, Founder and CEO

I founded this Marketing Agency, because I found there were too many scammers out there. I had the target to provide legit and White Hat Search Engine Optimization services in China for companies entering the Chinese market. Baidu PPC is the ideal completion for SEO, so we soon hired some of the most talented PPC campaign strategists and executives. Over the time the team was completed by e-commerce specialists and Social Media experts. So today we can offer the full scope of digital marketing, making sure that you only pay for those services, that make sense in your individual situation, be it Social, SEO or Baidu PPC.


Please feel free to sign up for a free consultation to see you you and we are a match!