Ads Proverbs

from Ancient China
Incorporating Modern Interpreted Ancient Chinese Quotes in Your PPC and Search Ads Strategy

Power Up Your Ads with Modern Interpreted Ancient Chinese Quotes

Welcome to our weekly series exploring ancient Chinese quotes reimagined for the modern Online Marketing World. Each week, we'll take a well-known quote from an ancient Chinese philosopher and provide a fresh interpretation that connects with PPC and search ads. These quotes are often used to inspire and provide guidance in many aspects of life, and we believe they have the potential to enhance your online marketing efforts as well. Join us as we dive into the wisdom of the past to uncover new insights and inspiration for the present.


niú wú gōngjí zhī lì, yòng kě bǎo tiányuán zhī gēng.

The ox is not powerful enough to attack, but it can be used to keep the fields plowed.

Ancient Chinese Philosopher AI-Tzu

This Chinese proverb from the ancient Chinese philosopher AI-Tzu suggests that, even if something isn't powerful enough to achieve a certain goal, it can still be useful in another way. In the context of SEA, this proverb reminds us that even if a particular advertising campaign or strategy may not be able to achieve our desired outcome, it can still provide value in other ways.

For example, let's say a particular Ad group doesn't achieve a high click-through rate or conversion rate, but it generates a significant amount of brand awareness and recognition. In this case, the Ad group may not have achieved its original goal of generating conversions, but it could still be valuable and contribute to overall success by improving brand recognition. In other words, even if an advertising approach doesn't meet your initial objectives, it can still be put to use and contribute to other objectives such as improving brand image, awareness, or engagement.

Overall, this proverb teaches us to look for alternative ways to use something if it can't achieve what we initially planned. As an SEA professional, it's important to remain flexible, adaptable, and open to the possibility that a given strategy may not work as initially planned, but may still have value in other areas.

Experience more Chinese Wisdom in Online Marketing:


A Promise from Kun Tang, Founder and CEO of Jademond / Jadegital

Kun Tang, Founder and CEO

At Jademond, we believe in the power of combining traditional Chinese wisdom with modern expertise to help you succeed in the Chinese market. Our team of experts, all of whom have some understanding of this traditional wisdom, but definitely stay up-to-date with the latest practices and strategies in PPC and SEA. Contact us today for a free consultation call to discuss your PPC and SEA strategy in China and let us show you how we can help you drive results.