Social Media Proverbs

from China
Unlocking the Power of Ancient Chinese Wisdom: Strategies for WeChat and Weibo Optimization

New Insights into Ancient Chinese Quotes: Applying Them to WeChat and Weibo Optimization

Welcome to our weekly series exploring ancient Chinese quotes reimagined for the world of Chinese social media optimization. Each week, we'll take a well-known quote from an ancient Chinese philosopher and provide a fresh interpretation that connects with contemporary themes and strategies for WeChat and Weibo. These quotes have stood the test of time and offer a rich source of wisdom for modern-day marketing efforts. Join us as we delve into the essence of these sayings and discover new insights to help you optimize your presence on WeChat and Weibo.


yù jiāzhī zuì, hé huàn wú cí

If you want to add a crime, you can't say anything about it


This Chinese proverb implies that when someone wants to accuse or criticize someone else, they can always find a pretext or justification to do so. In the context of modern social media, this proverb can be interpreted as a warning against making baseless accusations or spreading rumors or false information online.

Social media professionals need to be very cautious about what they post online and ensure that any information they share is accurate, reliable, and supported by evidence. One careless post or accusation can cause irreparable damage to an individual or organization's reputation and lead to legal consequences.

Therefore, this proverb reminds social media professionals to be responsible, ethical, and truthful in their online communication. It also implies that before accusing or criticizing others online, one should have well-established facts and evidence to support their point of view.

Experience more Chinese Wisdom in Online Marketing:


A Promise from Kun Tang, Founder and CEO of Jademond / Jadegital

Kun Tang, Founder and CEO

I believe that ancient Chinese quotes hold great wisdom, not just for traditional applications, but also for modern social media strategies. Our team of experts understands the deep meaning behind these quotes and stays current with the ever-changing landscape of Social Media Optimization in Asia. Let us help you translate timeless wisdom into modern strategies that resonate with your audience and achieve your goals. Thank you for considering our services!